NaNoWriMo 2009


I feel I should explain what NaNoWriMo is. It stands for National Novel Writing Month, basically thirty days to write a 50,000 word novel. For some it doesn’t matter about quality and the content of the novel, just quantity. I’m under the first group more so than the second. Since this will be the first year that I can actually participate in the last 3 years that I’ve known about it, I don’t plan on aiming for 50,000 words. Maybe half of that, 25,000 and I’ll be happy.

First I have to come up with the novel I’m gonna work on. I have some story ideas already for upcoming projects. But which one should I go for. I have no idea. I thought about just going with Passing Time, but I think it has to be a novel that you haven’t done before. I’m not sure if that is allowed. At any point I need to come up with a to do list and due dates for myself.

The first thing would be to pick a story to work on. I’ll have that due Monday 3pm. I have class at 5 so that should give me enough time today and tomorrow to decide.

Anyone else out there participating in NaNoWriMo this year?

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