NaNoWriMo 2009 Story


Two minutes before my self given deadline I’ve chosen a story. The story I will be working on is titled Mistaken Identity.

When I come up with an idea the first thing I do is write it down. Usually this is on some scrap piece of paper that is near me. And it’s basically random sentences that help me remember what the idea was at a later date. Then when I have time I type of the idea that you might find on the back/inside cover of a book. Depending on idea and how clearly I remember it there might be more details about the overall idea sometimes not. Then I kind of guess on how long the story might turn out. Sometimes you can look at an idea and now that it’s going to be a short story or a novel. Looking at the ideas I have already typed out I only have two that I think are worth being over 50,000 words (the goal of NaNoWriMo). So that helped, then I just had to chose between the two. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe ensured and it came down to Mistaken Identity.

There’s a short synopsis on my NaNo profile. I still plan on doing posts on how I prepare for this major event. If there’s any other writer’s out there participating this year, add me as a writing buddy. I’ve only got one now, my best friend. If you haven’t joined and you like to write…go join now. Even if you don’t reach 50,000 it’s okay…you still rock for even trying!

Well I’ve got some reading to do before class tonight.


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